Partnership reflection 2021
On Nov 7 Sunday services both in Vsetín Horní sbor and in Cumberland First Presbyterian reflected their partnership, which started ten years ago, in 2011.
Our congregations have lots in common, e g. there are periods marked with pastors and periods "between pastors", when the concentration rather gets to searching a new one.
In Cumberland they have successfully overcome this and their new pastor, rev. Alison Peters started working in September. In summer we had our first videoconference of our teams. We discussed the influence of the measures taken due to covid pandemic and decided on the scheme of this year joined worship. It place this Sunday. Both churches sang the spiritual Oh when the saints, and we exchanged videos. In Cumberland the service focused on All Saint's Day and we received a video with a hymn sung by Cumberlands' choir.
We sent two presentations turned into videos. They showed pictures from our young children's summer camp and from the young youth camp. Every year there are children not only from our congregation, but from the public. We are grateful that the church in Cumberland every year supports these activities as the missionary work among children and young people.
Vsetin - Youth camp video
Vsetin - Kid´s camp video
Cumberland - Hark I hear video